
24/7 Emergency Line

Understanding Fire and the Main causes Of Fire Damage at Home


What happens in the next 5 minutes?

Fire, surrounded with combustible materials such as paper towel, and other flammable items, can easily spread in fast as 30 seconds. A small flame that you first noticed can quickly turn into a big flame. Let us say that the fire started in the kitchen. Once ignition begins, it will then travel to flammable materials and furnishing making it spread to your walls, cupboards, furniture, and others. By then, if you are inside the room you will start having difficulty breathing. In about after a minute or two, the flame will circulate in the whole room and your chance of survival is just less than a minute. Moreover, by this time, smoke will then travel outside of the room and a poisonous air will develop. On the third minute, the fire has already consumed the parts of the kitchen such as cabinets, counterparts, shelves and so on. And in just 30 seconds interval, the wood dining table and upholstered cabinet blow up into flames. Then, flames travel to the closest rooms. On the last minute, the flame is already visible outside of the house and the next thing that will happen is, the flame will travel to the neighboring houses.

Main Causes of Fire damage At home

Fire can generate a number of causes. But according to the US Fire Administration, cooking is the leading cause of home-related fire injuries. This disaster happens due to negligence while cooking. Leaving food neglected while cooking may overheat cooking equipment such as pots and pans, and could lead to home fires. It is also said that two out of five home fires start in the kitchen.

Indoor Smoking

If cooking is the leading cause of home-related injuries, smoking is the main cause of all home fire deaths. Smoking does not only impact human’s health but also lead to a fire disaster. This happens when the person who is smoking fell asleep and the cigarette touches the fabric materials such as a mattress or upholstered furniture. The fire can spread easily with these combustible materials.

Fire Damage Due To heating Equipment

Due to the severe weather condition, most houses are equipped with heating equipment, such as space heaters, air furnaces, fireplaces, etc. This heating equipment is involved in one-third of all home heating fires and the number four cause of fire-related deaths. Heating equipment is susceptible causes of home fire due to lack of maintenance or these equipment are placed near combustible materials such as curtains, clothing, paper products, and beddings.

Home Fires due to Broken or Old Wires

Malfunctioned or outdated electrical wirings are involved in roughly 50% of home fire accidents. Many homeowners take for granted faulty electrical wirings or old wirings when they see that a machine is working on its good state. However, these wirings could eventually lead to home fires when continuously used. Outdated wirings do not have enough capacity to handle today’s electrical equipment or machines.

Fire Damage Disaster

Whether the effects of fire are big or small, they can still be devastating and even traumatic. A fire in your home can cause serious ample damage. With the combination of flame, soot, smoke, and water (that is used to kill the fire) can badly damage your home and probably most of the things in your home. Thus, they could hardly be restored. Moreover, the soot and the dirty water that remains in your property could be hazardous to your health. Synthetic materials that are burned can create toxic smoke and can be harmful when inhaled.

Install a Smoke Detector

According to the U. S. Fire Administration, 65% of home fire deaths occur due to the absence of working smoke detectors. A smoke detector is a device that gives you a warning before a big amount of fire executes. With this, you can evacuate the area on time and with no injuries. Remember to replace the batteries of your smoke alarm every year and check it regularly. It is advisable to install alarms on every floor of your home, inside bedrooms, kitchen and living rooms.  

Prepare a Fire escape Plan

Fire can spread quickly in your home, giving you just like one or to minutes to evacuate your home. Moreover, fire can produce smoke that can hinder your eyes and will make it difficult for you to breathe. Gather everyone in your family and create the escape plan for your home. Make sure that the exits are accessible to every room. Educate your children and practice the drill regularly.

Fire Damage Restoration Team

Fire damage to your property is complicated and requires expert restoration. It is a work that needs help from professionals as the danger is still present in the area. We, at Superior Restoration Ontario, are skilled and equipped in responding to this kind of disaster. We understand the scope of emergency and act fast to avoid further damage. If you are one of the people who unfortunately experience this disaster, let us help you restore your property.


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